
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

30 day challenge-2/30- My Favorite Movie( or in my case movies)

This is my second day of the Thirty Day Challenge, and the topic of today is, FAVORITE MOVIES.
Before I give you my favorite movies:once again like the songs, there will be more than one, I want to tell everyone, that I FREAKING love movies. Ok now that that's established, I will be giving my top five favorite movies.
5. Scream Trilogy

Yes I know they are horror films, but I like horror movies, but the movie has to have a really good story line, otherwise I stop watching 10 min. into the film. These movies make it into my top five movies though, because of the fresh story line, and it really catches your attention, unless of course you don't like horror movies, then you might just be scared. They are the only horror movies i can watch over and over again, and not get bored, and that is why they are number five on my list.
4. Finding Nemo
So taking a complete opposite direction from Scream, we have Disney,s Finding Nemo. I love this movie because every time I watch it, it always makes me laugh. I love the cast, especially Ellen Degeneres( she is the funniest aspect of this movie).
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I love all of the Harry Potter movies and books, this just happens to be my favorite one. The reason I love them so much is because they have fantastic stories.Once again though, I could watch these movies over and over again, and not get bored :P

And yes, I do realize my explanations are getting shorter for each movie.

2.Star Wars Ep. V.
 The whole Star Wars Saga, in general, was great, but this movie makes it to my number 2 spot, because of the snowy battle, and its the first movie where you get to see Yoda. I also love the story line that this movie has. 
And the Number One movie on my list of top five movies is:
1. Rent
OMGOSH, I love this movie so much. It is a musical, which I am a huge fan of. The music in it is great, which fits the story, which BTW, is amazing also. I have to say, if you have never seen this movie, do yourself a favor, and go and RENT it right now.
So there you have it, my top five favorite movies of all time.

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