
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

30 day challenge-15/30-A non fiction book

Yes I know the title is a little screwed up, but I have decided that I absolutely do not have time wat-so-ever to look for a fanfic right at the moment, and wont for a very long time, and that is why there was no post yesterday. And no I did not forget about it.
Ok so there is only one nonfiction book that I have ever read, and this book you might ask, is the bible. I believe the bible is the not only a book, but a guide to how you should live your life.
Thanks for reading, it would be longer is I didn't have so much darn homework.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

30 day challenge-13/30- A fictional book

Second blog post of today involves a fictional book, i really dont know the details off the top of my head so I am going to find a description of it online.
It's called Endgame
I read this book my freshman year, and it was the first book I became really engrossed in. Before this point i hatted reading because I never found a book that really caught my attention. Here is a description followed by an excerpt.

Endgame is for teens 14 and up. It was inspired by the terrible shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in 1999 in which 23 people were wounded and 13 people were killed (15 if you count the two shooters, who committed suicide). Reporters, law enforcement personnel, educators, and just about everyone who was stunned by the tragedy and by similar events both before and after it struggled to understand what makes some kids turn guns on their fellow students and on teachers. Like many people, I wished there were something I could do to add to the understanding of what had happened, especially because I believed understanding it and similar events might help prevent school shootings from happening again.
As time went on, one causal factor stood out to me in news reports and analyses, especially because although it was mentioned over and over again, it was never (until quite recently) emphasized. That factor is bullying. Just about all the shooters I read about had been the victims of severe, repeated bullying. I'd been bullied myself as a child, and know a little about how it feelsand I decided to write a novel focused on bullying and the tragic consequences it can have on both bullier and bullied. Endgame is the result. It's been named a 2006 Best Book by School Library Journal, and a 2007 New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age. (Harcourt; ISBN 13: 978-0-15-205416-8; ISBN 10: 0-15-205416-2)

"Gonna be better, gonna be better here," Gray Wilton thinks when he and his family move and he starts high school in a new town and a new state.
But in less than a year, he finds himself in a juvenile detention center...
Six sides.
The wire mesh embedded in the window glass formed little six-sided figures.
Yeah, hexagons.
Gray stared at them.
But so what? It didn't matter.
Nothing much mattered anymore. Had it ever?
Yeah, maybe. Long ago.
The glass was so thick and dirty that by a trick of light, Gray could see his reflection in it, in hexagon after hexagon.
It made him mad that the secure rooms, the ones like his, had wire hexagons in the window glass and dead bolts in the heavy steel doors, and that the doors had little steel sliding windows so they could spy on you and shove food through without coming in, like you were too dirty to get close to. It made him even madder that the secure rooms were right on the quad. That was extra torture, probably on purpose, so when you heard the other losers playing basketball you had to remember that you weren't going to get outside till they finally scheduled your trial.
Six sides to a hexagon.
How many sides to a loser?
How many sides to me?
Son, brother. Friend? Archer. Drummer.
That's five.
What about six? The sixth side.
Come on, the sixth side!
As if he were dreaming, Gray saw his reflected face morph into Lindsay's: friendly, then worried, then scared; then into Zorro's: disdainful, jeering, finally incredulous.
Son, brother, friend. Archer. Drummer.

If you havent read this book I highly suggest it because it is so amazing.

30 day challenge- 12/30- Whatever tickels your fancy

Well seeing as I like to forget to blog everyday, I will be gracing you guys with two blog post, once again :)
The first one will be whatever tickels my fancy. I will be talking a little about my Grandma in this post because Friday was her birthday. YAY.
The reason her 65th birthday is so significant is because she was diagnosed with lung cancer in April. Since me and my mom couldn't go down there on her birthday, we went down yesterday. Me, my mom, and my grandparents all spent the day together, activities included going to the the lake and sitting around the house watching t.v.  All in all it was a really good day for everyone, especially my grandmas because it was her first time down to the boat dock this whole summer, and she enjoyed it thoroughly.

Friday, August 27, 2010

30 day challenge-10-11/30- The oldest photo of me and the most recent photo of me

Well I forgot to blog yesterday once again, so I will be giving everyone a double dip in this post today. Two photos of me, the oldest one that I have and the newest one that I have of me.
First is the oldest one, its not really that old but I don't have one of me from over ten years ago. So here it is.
This is a picture of me and one of my friends Danielle. I was taken in 2008 at Realife camp. It was the very first camp that I had ever been to and God did really amazing things in not only my life but alot of peoples lifes.
And now for the most reacent picture of me.
This picture was taken on the way down to Florida. The two people in the picture are my friends Haley and Kelsey. We decided to be silly by putting candy wrappers in our mouths.
Well I hope you enjoyed this post.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

30 day challenge-9/30-A photo that you took

So today it is all about a Photo that I took Personally.
Here it is
I took this picture while I was in Florida at Buch Gardens, dont't you just think it is amazing that you can do something like this with flowers.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

30 day challenge-8/30-Photo that makes me angry or sad :(

Second topic today is a photo that makes me sad or angry.
Yes even I think it's cute, but it being in captivity makes me really sad, and yes even I enjoy going to a zoo, but it still saddens me to see all of the animals who have live there whole lives in captivity.

30 day challenge-7/30-Photo that makes you happy :)

So once again I forgot to blog yesterday, but I was studying for a quiz that I had to take today, so my apologies.
Today, once again I will be doing two post. This one just happens to be about a photo that make me happy.
Every time I look at a sunset, I always get this really happy feeling that always seems to lift me up, and since this is the only picture of a sunset I have, and that is why it is my happy picture.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

30 day challenge-5-6/30- your favorite quote and whatever tickles you fancy

Oh no I forgot to update yesterday, what ever shall I do, oh I know, grace everyone with two post today.
Well the subjects today invovle quotes and whatever I want to talk about.
Well my favorite quote isnt a famous on, like at all. It was made by one of my best friends Jenny.
The quote is "OH NO NOT THE SOAP", well its not really a quote more of an inside joke, but i don't really have a favorite quote, and that is where the whatever tickles your fancy come in to play.
Well over the summer, me and Jenny and her family, and a couple of other friends, all went to Flordia. We went to a mall and her mom really wanted to go to this store called Lush to by some organic soaps and lotions and shampoos. Well after she bought them, on the drive home, she told her husband Dean to protect the soap or something like that, and all of a sudden Jenny screams "OH NO NOT THE SOAP", and we all started cracking up. It was so funny that my stomach was hurting from laughing so hard.
Well if you ever here me say this quote randamly, you will no were it came from.

Friday, August 20, 2010

30 day challenge-4/30-Favorite Book

Well I come to you after my first two days of my last year of High school for another subject from the 30 day Challenge. Today's subject, or topic if you like that more, is my favorite book.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
 Well I just got done reading this book, actually the whole series not to long ago. I am so happy that I decided to read the Harry Potter series( it took me like three years).  The reason this one is my favorite though, is because, it is the only one that I haven't seen the movie to yet, because it hasn't come out yet(less than three months though :) ). Don't get me wrong, I love the movies, but I hadn't read any of the books prior to watching them. Its going to be weird knowing what happens, that is if they stick to the book, which they have pretty much done for the others sticking to the book I mean. 
Well its my favorite book, if you need to know anymore, you can just ask.  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 day challenge-3/30-My favorite television program

Well I am back, once again, with the thirty day challenge. I am going to talk about my favorite television programs today. One old one and one new one.
So lets start with the new one first.
Glee became my favorite show shortly after the first couple episodes aired. The reason I like it so much is because of the music and dancing, and the story. I think the music always, or mostly always fits the situation. They always pick good songs to sing, and ones that most people acctually know.
Now for the old television program
Gosh, out of all the a T.V shows that i have acctually watched, this is by far my favorite of them all. It can be funny at points, and then take a turn in the compleate oppsite direcion and make you cry. That, in my personal oppinion, is what makes a show GREAT.
Well those are my two favorite shows :) hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

30 day challenge-2/30- My Favorite Movie( or in my case movies)

This is my second day of the Thirty Day Challenge, and the topic of today is, FAVORITE MOVIES.
Before I give you my favorite movies:once again like the songs, there will be more than one, I want to tell everyone, that I FREAKING love movies. Ok now that that's established, I will be giving my top five favorite movies.
5. Scream Trilogy

Yes I know they are horror films, but I like horror movies, but the movie has to have a really good story line, otherwise I stop watching 10 min. into the film. These movies make it into my top five movies though, because of the fresh story line, and it really catches your attention, unless of course you don't like horror movies, then you might just be scared. They are the only horror movies i can watch over and over again, and not get bored, and that is why they are number five on my list.
4. Finding Nemo
So taking a complete opposite direction from Scream, we have Disney,s Finding Nemo. I love this movie because every time I watch it, it always makes me laugh. I love the cast, especially Ellen Degeneres( she is the funniest aspect of this movie).
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I love all of the Harry Potter movies and books, this just happens to be my favorite one. The reason I love them so much is because they have fantastic stories.Once again though, I could watch these movies over and over again, and not get bored :P

And yes, I do realize my explanations are getting shorter for each movie.

2.Star Wars Ep. V.
 The whole Star Wars Saga, in general, was great, but this movie makes it to my number 2 spot, because of the snowy battle, and its the first movie where you get to see Yoda. I also love the story line that this movie has. 
And the Number One movie on my list of top five movies is:
1. Rent
OMGOSH, I love this movie so much. It is a musical, which I am a huge fan of. The music in it is great, which fits the story, which BTW, is amazing also. I have to say, if you have never seen this movie, do yourself a favor, and go and RENT it right now.
So there you have it, my top five favorite movies of all time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

30 day challenge-1/30- My favorite song

So this is my first day of the Thirty day challenge and i get to talk to everyone about my favorite song. It would be hard for me to pick just one, so I will give my top two song choices.
2. Don't Stop Believn'
By: Journey
I love this song because everybody needs encouragement, and for me, when I listen to this song, when i am down, it makes me feel better. Yes there are countless other songs that do this for me, but this one give some MUCH needed encouragement when I am down. A plus, I always sing at the top of my lungs, even though I'm not the best singer.
1. Defying Gravity
By: Idina Menzel & Kristen Chenowith
Ever since i first heard this song covered on Glee(which is one of my all time favorite shows), I fell in love with it. It wasn't until i heard this version of it though, that it became my favorite all time song. I really want to see the play this is from so freaking bad(the play is Wicked), because I just know that it would be so amazing. Just listen to this song to understand what I am talking about. This song also gives me so much encouragement. Plus these two women who are singing it are so amazing. Don't be surprised if you hear me singing this song when your in the car with me, because it is my all time favorite.

Monday, August 16, 2010

First post everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Well since i have never really blogged before, let me rephrase that, since i have never blogged before, I am going to be doing a little challange called the 30 Day challenge. Every day will be a new topic ranging from my favorite song to my hopes and dreams for the next year. I really hope everyone enjoys it, because I am going to enjoy talking about it.
The challenges are:
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
I wont actually be starting this today, on account that I just finished my Who am I page, but rather i will be starting them tomorrow.